Keeping tabs on your children is hard enough on an average day, but with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it may seem nearly impossible.
As your home is visited by family and friends offering up Christmas wishes and hopes for a better new year, visitors can give your toddlers the perfect excuse to slip away from the limelight. As we’ve seen countless times before, all it takes is one minute for your son or daughter to get away and get into something that they shouldn’t.
As one devastated mom in Australia just learned, it only takes a minute of distraction to take away the lives of the ones you love.
Just five days before Christmas, mother of six Fleur Manago made a shocking discovery when she found her 23-month-old twins unconscious in their backyard swimming pool.
Mortified, the mother pulled her little boy and girl from the water. A concerned neighbor heard the mother’s frantic screams and rushed over to the home. Mango and the neighbor began administering CPR to the toddlers’ lifeless bodies.
Paramedics soon arrived and quickly took them to a nearby hospital where they were given around-the-clock care to ensure the children would survive. Both children were put on life support, but the little girl died the day after Christmas. Her brother suffered the same fate just three days later.